Showing 1-4 of 4 Books
“First They Targeted Our Culture and Language”: Threats to Rohingya Language, Culture and Identity in...
Summary: A people are defined by and remain “a people” because of and through their language and culture. If their...
A Cultural History of Rohingya
Preface: Culture is an inexplicably meaningful word almost defying any definition. It is the visible manifestation of the entire gamut...
Rooinga in 1815 ‘Linguarum Totius Orbis Index Alphabeticus Grammaticae Lexica Collectiones Vocabulorum’
Summary: In East India on the Ganges in Arakan, these two languages are the mixture of the neighbouring, Rooinga or...
The Rohingyas: A Short Account of Their History and Culture
Preface: The Rohingya problem has of late become a matter of great concern to the government and the people of...