Showing 1-5 of 5 Books
Gender Analysis: Recognizing and Responding to Gender inequalities
Sumarry: Since August 2017, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees have fled Myanmar for camps in the Cox's Bazar district...
Honour in Transition: Changing gender norms among the Rohingya
Summary: Humanitarian crises often exacerbate pre-existing gender inequalities and discriminations, which lead to different and often disproportionate risks, vulnerabilities and...
Rape as a Weapon of War and the Women who are Resisting
Summary: The Burma Army uses rape as a weapon of war. Sexual violence has become a hallmark of the prolonged...
Rape by Command : Sexual Violence as a Weapon against the Rohingya
Summary: This report documents the widespread, systematic use of sexual violence by the Myanmar Army during its brutal “clearance operation”...
Widows Speak Out: Abuse and Discrimination, Resilience and Agency
Preface: Millions of widows, of all ages, from child widows, to young women and young mothers, older women and elderly...