Showing 1-14 of 14 Books
“An Island Jail in the Middle of the Sea” Bangladesh’s Relocation of Rohingya Refugees to...
Summary: "Based on interviews with 167 refugees as well as with humanitarian experts, "An island jail in the middle of...
“Bangladesh Is Not My Country” The Plight of Rohingya Refugees from Myanmar
Summary: In late August and September 2017, Bangladesh welcomed the sudden influx of several hundred thousand Rohingya refugees fleeing ethnic...
“Tell Them We’re Human”: What Can Canada and The World Can Do About The Rohingya...
Summary: “The Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to Myanmar engaged in extensive research, travel and meetings with key interlocutors from October...
A Case Study on How and Why Rohingya Refugees are Neglected in Bangladesh
Abstract: In the 21 century, Rohingya refugee is one of the most discussed issues trembling the world people’s heart and...
A New Shape of Catastrophe: Two Years on from the 2017 Rohingya Crisis
Sumarry: Two years on from the horrific and widespread violence in Myanmar, this report is a call to action to...
A Voice in Their Future: The Need to Empower Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
Summary: More than two years since the expulsion of the majority of the Rohingya population from Myanmar, Rohingya are still...
Confined Space: Rohingya in Bangladesh, Malaysia and Thailan
Summary: The Rohingya are among the most vulnerable ethno-religious groups in the world. Seeking to escape the persecution and abuses...
Culture, Context and Mental Health of Rohingya Refugees: A Review for staff in mental health...
Summary: In August 2017, a major humanitarian crisis in the Rakhine State of Myanmar triggered a mass exodus of around...
Fading Humanitarianism: The Dangerous Trajectory of the Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh
Summary: The coup and deteriorating conditions in Myanmar will rightfully remain the focus of international attention on the region. But...
Gender Analysis: Recognizing and Responding to Gender inequalities
Sumarry: Since August 2017, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees have fled Myanmar for camps in the Cox's Bazar district...
Rohingyas in India: Birth of a Statelesss Community
Summary: Among the most well known writings on statelessness are Hannah Arendt’s works written in context of the statelessness and...
Sexual Violence, Trauma, and Neglect Physicians for Human Rights Observations of Health Care Providers Treating...
Sumarry: In August 2017, the armed forces of Myanmar (Tatmadaw) unleashed a campaign of widespread and systematic attacks on the...
The Rohingya conflict: Genesis, current situation and geopolitical aspects
Abstract: The Rohingya in Myanmar are often described as the most persecuted minority in the world. In the former Burma,...
We Must Prevent a Lost Generation: Community-led education in Rohingya refugee camps
Sumarry: Forced displacement represents one of the biggest barriers to achieving Sustainable Development Goal #4 – ensuring quality education for...