Showing 1-11 of 11 Books
“They Tried to Kill Us All”: Atrocity Crimes against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, Myanmar
Summary: On October 9, 2016, a previously unknown Rohingya militant group calling itself Harakah al-Yaqin attacked three police outposts in...
“Tools of Genocide” National Verification Cards and the Denial of Citizenship of Rohingya Muslims in...
Summary: States often use legal and administrative tools to facilitate the destruction of a targeted group “in whole or in...
Countdown to Annihilation: Genocide in Myanmar
Summary: This report analyses the persecution of the Rohingya against the six stages of genocide outlined by Daniel Feierstein: stigmatisation...
Crimes against Humanity in Western Burma: The Situation of the Rohingyas
Summary: The plight of the Rohingyas has become better known since the start of 2009, in particular because of world-wide...
Independent Rakhine Initiative: Freedom of Movement in Rakhine State
Summary: Despite significant international pressure to redress these problematic policies and implement the recommendations of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine...
Myanmar’s 2020 Elections: Unfree, Unfair and Anti-Democratic
Summary: Myanmar’s second competitive, multi-party elections are scheduled for 8 November 2020. The elections have been billed as a milestone...
Policies of Persecution: Ending Abusive State Policies Against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar
Sumarry: While the international community has roundly condemned ongoing violent attacks against Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, systematic restrictions on...
The Burma Citizenship Law 1982
Burma Citizenship Law promulgated. The Chairman of the Council of State on 15, October promulgated the Burma Citizenship Law which...
The Constitution of the Union of Burma 1947 (English)
Preamble: WE, THE PEOPLE OF BURMA including the Frontier Areas and the Karenni States, Determined to establish in strength and...
The Constitution of Union of Myanmar 2008 (Military-drafted)
Preamble: Myanmar is a Nation with magnificent historical traditions. We, the National people, have been living in unity and oneness,...
Where There is Police, There is Persecution Government Security Forces and Human Rights Abuses in...
Summary: Minority groups living in Myanmar have faced profound and pervasive human rights violations for decades. This report documents widespread...