A ‘Treasured Solidarity’: Teachers’ Union of Ireland flies Rohingya Flag

By Haikal Mansor In an act of bravery and solidarity the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) took a decision to fly the Rohingya at its head office in Dublin on Wednesday, September 5, 2018. It is an important stand of unity with Rohingya and an acknowledgement of a persecuted minority group who are the victims […]

Rohingya Community Mark 10th Eid – ‘Festival of Breaking Fast’ – Since Resettlement

As over 1.6 billion Muslims around the world celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr – “Festival of Breaking the Fast” after a month of fasting from dust to dawn, a small Rohingya community marked the festival on its 10th year of resettlement in Carlow. Although the 19 hours of fasting a day for 29 days may seem an unmanageable […]

Tribute To Michael ‘Mick’ Ryan

Ryan’s significant contributions towards building shelters and planning evacuations, and heroic acts of kindness during the 2018 monsoon season, had saved thousands of Rohingya refugees from landslides and floods in Bangladesh refugee camps where more than a million of survivors of Myanmar’s genocide take refuge. Rohingya Action Ireland and the Rohingya refugee community are deeply […]

Freedom of Galway: Letter from FormerResident of ‘City of Tribes’

As the city which has enlightened my hope and dream of education, I seek nothing, but the hope from you to stick with the principles to honour, stand and provide hope to the victims of “21 Century Genocide” that the world still cares, there is compassion and the solidarity stands unstained, and that there is […]

Rohingya Photo Exhibition launched at Mansion House Dublin

“Ireland, we are seeing a sign of relief, a sign of belief and a light of hope which is being torched by the descendants of one of the greatest tragedies in the human history – the Great Famine of Ireland, An Gorta Mór.” DUBLIN: On May 19, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mícheál Mac Donncha […]

Letter from Rohingya to Dublin City Council on Aung San Suu Kyi, Freedom of City of Dublin

When the members of Rohingya community visited the Mansion House in the heart of city on September 19, the Lord Mayor of Dublin showed the plate hung in the house. It strikes us deep in our heart with the extreme example of solidarity, generosity, kindness and compassion that the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma showed towards […]

A Rohingya’s Message from Dublin

By Haikal Mansor Ireland can no longer wait. This great country experienced the worst in the past when a million men, women, young boys and girls lost their lives in one of the largest tragedies in the history of humanity, partly resulted in disorganization of the ruling at the time and “too little too late” […]

Myanmar Plays with ‘Dead-bodies’ [Vidoe]

As evidence mounts to genocidal acts against Rohingya, Myanmar Military plays with unverified and unidentified dead-bodies uncovered in Kha Maung Seik [Fakirabazar], Maungdaw. Quickly points finger to Rohingya insurgents while denying and blocking independent investigations. The military and the NLD government independently claimed that the victims are ‘Hindu’, and exploit Hindu villagers to spread propaganda […]

BREAKDOWN OF AUNG SAN SUU KYI’S SPEECH: Lies, Victims blaming, Defence of Military, etc.

By Haikal Mansor The widely anticipated Aung San Suu Kyi’s speech is a typical example of denial and lie when her National League for Democracy (NLD) government is in direct complicit with Myanmar armed forces in the campaign of genocide against Rohingya. “I reaffirmed our faith and confidence in the purpose and principles of the […]

Myanmar Military Deploys ‘Four Cuts’ Strategy against Rohingya Civilians

The scorched earth strategy was masterminded by Dictator General Ne Win in 1963, who was inspired by Japan’s “THREE ALLs” (‘Kill all, Burn all and Loot all’) tactics. It was called “SWEEPING” an area “suspected villagers and burning their villages”. The Four Cuts is intended to cut off food, funds, intelligence and recruits to ethnic […]

TIMELINE: Burmese Military’s PROVOCATIONS prior to clashes with Rohingya Insurgents

The clashes between Rohingya insurgents at a number of Burmese police posts in Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung townships on August 25, 2017, are followed by month-long provocations from Burmese Military and Rakhine Extremists. These offensive and provocative acts are believed to be strategic moves towards militarisation by the military intelligence, with an aim to create […]

BURMA’S ARMED FORCES: A LIE TOO MANY– Leaked video of Koe Tan Kauk

By Haikal Mansor When an army lies, it lies too many too often Since General Ne Win’s coup on March 2, 1962, Tatmadaw (Burma’s Armed Forces) becomes adelusional institution entirely built on a lie. He announced the lie after coup, “I have to inform you, citizens of the Union that Armed Forces havetaken over the […]

2016 in RETROSPECT – A Year of TOO MANY Human Rights Abuses for Rohingya

By Haikal Mansor Things that begin badly end worse! PEOPLE WITHOUT IDs Rohingya welcomed the Year 2016 as people without IDs. Former President Thein Sein ordered to repeal of temporary identity cards, also known as ‘White Cards’ in February 2015. The last pieces of document Rohingya came to possess after decades of systematic forceful documents […]

Aung San Suu Kyi, look yourself in the mirror, instead of pointing fingers at Genocide Victims

By Haikal Mansor “I am somewhat appalled by her dismissive reaction to concerns I raised this morning about the problem of human trafficking in her country.” US Senator (GOP) Bob Corker (http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-myanmar-senatoridUKKCN11K1Z3), 14 September 2016 Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, reflect on your own complicity in the genocide of my fellow Rohingya people, […]

Humanitarian urgency of Rohingya and not so-good-neighbourliness of Bangladesh

As the neighbour, Bangladesh is morally bound to provide fleeing Rohingya a safe protection under international humanitarian, human rights and refugee laws, not the other way around At the time of conflict or adversity, a good neighbour always counts. So is expected from Bangladesh. Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB)’s push-back poses a serious security threat to […]